Despite the valiant efforts of many 'famous honest scientists' many more dishonest ones are using
science for the wrong reasons.
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Let us end the decades old conflict and decide today
Should we or our children .....
Posted 7th August 2016
In the wake of the recent study published in journal Circulation related to Omega3 Supplements and many other research studies which are mainly done to promote supplements, whereas the advice of the honest scientific community as of till date is to remain focus on Intelligent Eating of the natural food as an individually suitable Balanced Diet and living a correct life style for a vigorous health.
Good healthy foods
Therefore let us go for a referendum and decide on "should we remove the natural healthy food from our plates and replace them with supplements." (Although most of the natural food from our plates have already been taken away, and have been replaced by the junk food/fluids and supplements without our consent).
While voting on referendum let us keep in mind the following:
Science …Research studies are the main source of understanding facts and improving knowledge.
But then the ancient Snake oil sellers, the quacks, health fraud scammers have besieged the Medical science and reigning the Scientific
Research studies field as modern Research scientist of this century.
Read more at: Cartoon Illustration
When it comes to health It is now becoming more and more challenging for an ordinary person to decide what to believe and what not.
No Peer Reviewed, highly alert, watchful journal is immune to publishing research studies which may later be found bogus or faulty.
Supplement may provide some benefit, and at time may become essential, see
Facts on Supplements and Herbs
but then we should follow the advice of honest medical doctors while thankfully reading the honest scientific medical communities/experts
suggestion as explained by Harvard heroes (heroes Scientist/ experts) here
It seems that every day there appears new research findings on taking this supplement and that; this kind of research can misuse the public funds granted for carrying out research work. Concocted research is done to produce findings to support our 'Death marketing' and 'Death Management' modern civilization. Sometimes even Nations Government deliberately joins the ambiance Bogus.

Eating spicy food more frequently as part of a daily diet is associated with a lower risk of death, suggests yet another new research study.
Dated 4th August 2015
Spices can provide protection from diseases like cancer, and heart and respiratory.
The finding contained in an article, was published on August 4, 2015, in BJM British Medical Journal, h3942
Jun Lv et al. Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study.
BMJ, 2015 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.h3942
Comments: Disease defeating, health protecting powerful medicines naturally occurring in plants and fungi, called phytochemicals, are found in abundance in edible herbs... the Spices.
Adding herbs and spices in its natural form (Not in capsules, tablets or other such processed forms) into individually suitable 'Balanced Diet' will provide health benefit.
See more at: ‘Facts on Herbs and supplements’

Study says there's no link between cholesterol and heart disease
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) Cholesterol Known as bad cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart health.
Mon, 13 Jun 2016
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) Cholesterol Known as bad cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart health. High LDL cholesterol level is
protective against some neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson. "Elders having higher cholesterol level live longer", said
Researchers from University of South Florida (USF Innovation).
This finding warrants urgent further investigation to review the stand and on issuing a new or confirming the present guidelines for the
clinicians and commons on the advice of the use of statin for the Cardiovascular protection, and for cholesterol concern.
See the discussion at: Study says there's no link between cholesterol and heart disease
Ordinary people and clinicians have been told for the decades that having high LDL cholesterol levels increases the risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack. The Mind boggling recent news that there is "No association between LDL 'bad cholesterol' and elderly deaths" based on a systematic review of studies of over 68,000 elderly people has further baffled the ordinary mind on what to believe and what not.
The recent researchers and the ways of their Research methods remind us the famous story of Ten blind men and the elephant. The only difference is that in the story the men were blind While our modern researchers are healthy. Then what goes wrong with the apparently well designed well done research studies?
Is evidence based knowledge totally into the grip of mercenaries the vested interests? Is there any way to protect the science
from being hijacked for the using of befooling people?
Or should both the ordinary people and researchers should be educated and trained to avoid Confirmation Bias.
To understand more, read our article on: What is Correct Information?
Meanwhile let us follow medical advice, and remain focused on Intelligent Eating and Understanding and living a correct lifestyle

Coffee may increase cardiovascular risk
mainly heart attacks in young adults
Posted on 31st Aug 2015
Coffee drinking is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events (mainly heart attacks) in young adults (18-45) with mild hypertension, according to research presented at ESC Congress by Dr Lucio Mos, a cardiologist at Hospital of San Daniele del Friuli in Udine, Italy. Dr Lucio Mos and his team in their 12 year study in more than 1,200 patients found that heavy coffee drinkers had a four-fold increased risk while moderate drinkers tripled their risk.
The study was sponsored by “Associazione 18 Maggio 1370”. DISCLOSURES: None.

Comments: Finally, coffee is good or bad? For the many years from the last century until recent times, myriads of researches - includes large scale studies - found conflicting results on health benefit of drinking coffee. Then what are we to understand from research studies;
- Studies modulated to search the benefit they find benefit.
- Studies designed to find side-effects they finally explore the same.
Well, it is good to keep watching the boxing matches in the research studies (currently in this coffee drinking episode)
from Harvard Heroes to Johns Hopkins Heroes and others (scientists are real heroes).
In case of controversy, reports of the referees example is the current cited research of Dr Lucio Mos who is
quoted as saying
"There is controversy surrounding the long term cardiovascular and metabolic effects of coffee consumption in patients with hypertension. Our study was designed to evaluate whether coffee drinking had an effect on the risk of cardiovascular events, and if the association was mediated by effects on blood pressure and glucose metabolism."
What ordinary people like us should keep in mind is that coffee, tea, saturated fat, oils, and others foods whatsoever, have
been eaten for the thousands of years by certain populations in their geographical/climatic conditions, are good for health provided if
they are eaten in moderation, keeping in mind that biochemically metabolically (individual’s genetic role in metabolism)
everyone is different. Therefore individually suitable food - as much in its natural form as possible - when cooked and prepared using
healthy methods, and incorporated into a Balanced Diet without undermining
medical doctors advice is logical approach for overall health maintenance.
Remaining alert, skeptical on what to believe and how to believe read What is Correct Information
while watching the CNN report on details of the suggestions of the various research studies on health effects of drinking Coffee at: - coffee health/
Stop saying “You are what you eat”
Stop saying “You are what you eat”. Because you are not only what you eat and how you lived, you are also what your
parents ate, and how they lived.
December 6th 2015
There is a growing body of evidence from the decades, and a myriad of honest research studies, suggesting that parents’ eating habits,
life style, and the environment they inhabit, even long before they have children, may influence the health of their offspring.
The latest information from the researchers from the University of Copenhagen, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and
from a separate study made by the researchers at RMIT University that can be cited as an additional reference.

Obesity Alters Sperm Epigenome
While the impact of mothers diet and lifestyle on children has been widely researched, and are well known, this recent study,
the first of its kind at the University of Copenhagen, which examined the behavioural and hormonal effects of the male diet on
offspring, warrant support to our campaign for granting a right to unborn baby… the coming generation to be born in health and live a
healthy life. United Global
Why trained Marathons runners and apparently healthy athletes die suddenly during or after the performance
26th July 2016
The effects of intense athletic performance on the cardiovascular system (Heart), has been under study for more than 100 years.
In the wake of the sudden death of Marathon runners and other athletes who were in the age group ranging from teens to sixties, in the recent past intensive serious research investigations have been carried out to understand the underlying causes which lead to sudden cardiac deaths. The most intriguing and puzzling issue was the death among the apparently well trained fit and young, and teen athletes.
The footnotes of the finding contained in the various research studies are as below.
Important causes of sudden death during endurance races are;
- Arrhythmic
- Heat stroke
- Idiosyncratic Reaction also known as type B reactions, due to drug or supplement
- Drinking excessive amounts of fluid "water intoxication"
A. Arrhythmic
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease of the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) in which a portion of the myocardium is hypertrophied (thickened) without any obvious cause. It is perhaps one of the most well-known causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually is inherited. It's caused by a change in some of the genes in heart muscle proteins. HCM also can develop over time because of high blood pressure or aging. Diseases such as diabetes or thyroid disease can cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, the cause of the disease is not yet fully understood.
Men are 2-3 times more likely to have sudden cardiac arrest than women; this risk also increases with age.
B. Heat stroke
An interesting study, published in the Journal of 'The American College of Cardiology' dated 25th August 2014, found that fatal or life-threatening events during endurance races were caused exclusively by heat stroke.
This study, involving almost 140,000 athletes, examined all the long distance popular races that took place in Tel Aviv from March 2007 to November 2013, arrived at the conclusion that serious cardiac events were extremely rare and outnumbered by heat stroke events.
Researchers of this study, in favour of their arguments, cite the example of the death of the 38-year-old man participating in the full marathon of 2011, who collapsed with chest pain and dyspnea (Breathlessness).
ACC researchers note that this 38-year-old athlete had no known cardiovascular risk factors and had undergone pre-participation screening that included resting ECG and exercise stress tests repeatedly. One such exercise test was performed only 3 weeks prior to the race in which he died.
This study concludes that life-threatening events during endurance races taking place in warm climates are more likely to be caused by heat stroke than by cardiac arrhythmias.
('The American College of Cardiology is a highly respected non-profit medical society.)
Article: Life-Threatening Events During Endurance Sports
Heat stroke also strikes in areas generally considered of mild climate.
C. Idiosyncratic Reaction
Taking drugs can initiate Idiosyncratic Reaction also known as type B reactions, are drug reactions can cause death. Example is death of Sam Harper Brighouse, age 23, fell ill around 16 miles into the Brighton Marathon in East Sussex on April 14.2013. The cause of his death was attributed to taking sports supplements and Ibuprofen (Ibuprofen a pain reliever medicine).
D. Drinking excessive amounts of fluid
Drinking excessive amounts of fluid during a race can lead to dilution of sodium in the blood, a condition called exercise-associated hyponatremia, which may result in vomiting, seizures, coma and even death. The pathogenesis of this condition remains incompletely understood, but largely depends on excessive water intake. Furthermore, hormonal (especially abnormalities in arginine vasopressin secretion) and kidney abnormalities in water handling predispose individuals to the development of severe, life-threatening hypernatremia. Women are more prone to hyponatremia than men.
E. Sports supplements
Taking sports supplements. DMAA. Jack3d performance-enhancing drug, now banned, has been linked to high blood pressure, headaches, vomiting, stroke and a death.
USPlabs, which sold the best-selling workout supplement Jack3d, six of its executives, face criminal charges for the unlawful sale of nutritional supplements.
Source: The U.S. Justice Department
Read more at Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement, and Criminal Investigations
Running a marathon or doing strenuous exercise can prompt heart muscle changes that cause the heart to swell. Sometimes this change is wrongly quoted as 'heart injury'. These changes are a normal physiological process which lets the body and heart cope with the situation. This enlargement of heart during performance is well known as Athlete's heart; after performance, in rest period, the enlarged heart becomes normal.
"Marathon running or strenuous prolonged exercise in itself cannot be the cause of death".
Scientific literature supports the view that humans evolved as runners, able to exercise for prolonged periods, even in the dry heat with minimal fluid intake.
May also read this well done study:
"Running Made Us Human". Utah University, Nov.17 2004 at
According to one 2007 study, published in the British Medical Journal, that looked at 30 years of marathon data found that the risk of dying is 0.8 per 100,000 runners.
The main underlying causes of unexpected sudden death in athletes are;
- Excess intake of water based on the previous misconceived idea as healthy.
- Taking supplements, drugs and sports drink under the influence of Industries.
- Athletes believing that they are fit when in fact they may be far below the desired fitness level.
Athletes are better than their sedentary (inactive) counterparts, but athletic performance does not make athletes immune to developing heart and other diseases later in life.
Source: American Heart Association (2008, November 12).
Regular exercise as a part of Overall Health Care strategy is highly effective for prevention and treatment of many common chronic diseases and improvement in cardiovascular (CV) health.
However, emerging data suggests that long-term chronic training for, and competing in, extreme endurance exercise such as marathons, ultramarathons, ironman distance triathlons, and very long distance bicycle races, although not bad, will always be a risk factor unless, the Athletic /sports competition should be promoted for achieving high level of health and fitness focused on the longevity and quality of life rather than for winning medals /recognition or personal satisfaction Only.
Intelligent Eating of an individually suitable Balanced Diet, doing moderate to high intensity regular aerobic, musculoskeletal, balance exercise including the slow motion exercise like Yoga, Tai Chi, combined with doing Scientific Meditation, and taking proper rest and sufficient sleep, avoiding stress and other unhealthy emotion like anxiety, anger, revenge, which altogether have named herein as Herbs Mediation, while undergoing regular medical checkup, especially before events, will be a logical choice for both the professional athletes and for the commons to reap the total health benefit of being physically active, and also for avoiding sport related health injury and fatalities.
During physical exercise free radicals are formed in the body, which is a part of physiological and defense mechanism of the body; nonetheless, excess formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a health risk.
Eating antioxidant rich natural food, not supplements, is the advice from the honest scientific community for athletes and for everyone.
Dehydration is another risk for runners. Natural energy drinks like plain water with fresh lemon or blended natural fruits, gooseberry or other berry, in accordance with the need of body, during performance is right for keeping hydrated and is beneficial for health.
Use of Commercially made energy drinks
poses athletes with the risk of heart attack, reports American Heart Association (AHA)
A recent alarming report that "Soft drinks can cause kidney Injury" published on 7th June 2015 in American Physiological Society APSselect website, raises serious concerns for the common practice, especially among adolescents, young adults, and athletes to drink soft drinks as a means to quench thirst and avoid dehydration.
"Rehydrating with Soda on a Hot Day May Worsen Dehydration"
"Chronic Drinking Interferes with Absorption of Vitamin C by Pancreas" These lines are the conclusion of the
findings of the study conducted on mice.
Avoid commercially made energy drink.
Choose natural healthy food to maintain and boost up body energy.
November 9, 2015
Just one energy drink may increase heart disease risk in young adults.By AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION NEWS
Drinking one 16-ounce energy drink boosts blood pressure and stress hormone responses in young, healthy adults, according to a
study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2015. These changes could conceivably trigger new
cardiovascular events.
Calcium Supplements
BMJ British Medical Journal
Clinicians should not recommend increased intake of calcium to all patients simply to increase BMD.
Adding Dietary Calcium or Calcium Supplements Results in Only Small Increases in BMD
Read details at,
NEJM Journal Watch (New England Journal of Medicine)
Paul S. Mueller, MD, MPH, FACP Reviewing Tai V et al., BMJ 2015 Sep 29; 351:h4183
Dietary or supplemental calcium Does not prevent fractures (NEJM JW Gen Med Nov 15 2015) and BMJ 2015; 351:h4580).
Clinicians should not recommend increased intake of calcium to all patients simply to increase BMD. Instead, recommending a diet that meets recommended daily intakes for calcium and vitamin D and exercise programs and other measures that prevent falls is a sensible approach.
Facts on Red Meat and Cancer
Strong scientific evidences are suggesting cancer risk from eating processed meat.
14th December 2015

Red meat is classified on the basis of amount of *Myoglobin contents in the flesh. Red meat contains more Myoglobin than white meats, chicken or fish.
Processed meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding preservatives. This includes sausages, bacon, ham, hot dogs, and salami.
The World Health Organization classifies processed meats as a class 1 carcinogen
(carcinogen -- Cancer causing agent), and classifies red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork as a
‘probable’ cause of cancer. On the advice of its International Agency for Research on Cancer,
WHO is suggesting the public to either avoid eating processed meat or eating less.
More details at; The Lancet Oncology.

When meat is cooked, grilled, or barbecued at high temperature two cancer promoting chemicals in the meat - 1) heterocyclic amines (HCAs), and 2) polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - are produced. - PMC1774505/
Another reason to consider limiting your red meat consumption
Red meat contains the highly absorbable form of iron ‘heme’ iron - which is well studied and well
known a Double-Edged Sword. A moderate amount of Iron in the body is essential for healthy blood cells, for many
central metabolic pathways of the body, and for optimal health. But increased accumulation of this metal - more than the upper tolerable
limit - which comes from taking iron containing vitamin/mineral supplements, and also from excess eating of red meat, especially processed
meat, promotes cancer, evidence suggests.
According to recent research studies, too much of iron can dispose older people to age-related neuro-degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's, and other forms of dementia.
Conclusion: The point to note is that the evidence from the Research findings clearly pointing to eating regularly processed meat, and/or excess eating of both processed and red meat can cause cancer.
The major Harvard University meta-study of 2010, which involved over one million people who ate meat, found that only processed meat had an adverse risk in relation to coronary heart disease.
Therefore the actual message from the above stated information is that *Intelligent Eating of individually suitable *Balanced Diet that contains whole cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and remaining focused on overall health - that includes mental/physical activities and a scientific Meditation - is the best strategy to stay away from disease and to live a real quality of healthy life.
Read more at:
* Click here For * Intelligent Eating ’ and * Balanced Diet
Meat eaters are suggested to eat not more than 70g of meat per day, while keeping in mind that due to the use of anti-biotic and hormones in the animal farming industry, the meat of today is not the same meat the hunter gatherer stone age men ate.
* Myoglobin: Everything on the earth and space is made up of different types of atoms. These atoms assemble together in different ways to form molecules. Interestingly, the exact way that the atoms are arranged in the different molecules causes them to appear to have different colors (smells, tastes).
There is a certain molecule in meat which gives its red color; that molecule is called myoglobin. It is the number of myoglobin molecules that differ in different kind of animal’s meat, giving them their color. Thus color variation in the meat is due to the Myoglobin molecules contained in various meats; therefore the larger the amounts of Myoglobin in a meat, the redder the color of the meat. Pork has 0.1-0.3% myoglobin; Beef has 1.5-2.0% Myoglobin; and the white meat of chicken has under 0.05% Myoglobin.
Another reason to avoid supplements, unless advised by the Honest Medical Doctors.
8th October 2015
Antioxidant supplements increase the ability of the tumor cells to metastasize (Spread). The finding of the research study at Sahlgrenska Academy was published in‘Science Translational Medicine’ on October 7 2015.This finding is the follow-up studies of the Last year. In January 2014, Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, demonstrated that antioxidants hastened and aggravated the progression of lung cancer. Mice that were given antioxidants developed additional and more aggressive tumors. Experiments on human lung cancer cells confirmed the results.
"Previous research at Sahlgrenska Academy has indicated that cancer patients are particularly prone to take supplements containing
antioxidants," The lead author Professor Dr. Bergö says. Our current research combined with information from large clinical
trials with antioxidants suggests that people who have been recently diagnosed with cancer should avoid such supplements.
Taking nutritional supplements containing antioxidants may unintentionally hasten the progression of a small tumor or premalignant
lesion, neither of which is possible to detect.
Comments: Supplements can have the ability to affect the body. But the effect will be good or bad cannot be said as it is not regulated as medicine is. Pseudoscience science, vested interests including some medical doctors turned sale representative and non-medical specially self-styled doctors, direct sales are mostly behind the sales and marketing of supplements. People who can believe in hearsay can be the victims of health fraud scams and can end up using unnecessary supplements which can be hazardous to health. Read more at Facts on Herbs and Supplements .
Weight Loss You've probably seen the ads for pills, powders, patches, belts, and creams promising to melt the pounds away without any diet or exercise. But do those products really work? Learn how to tell fact from fiction when it comes to weight loss products. Play the FTC’s new Weight Loss Challenge game, and have fun getting the skinny on safe and effective weight loss!
We recommend a steady, gradual loss of weight through correct knowledge on eating, right individually suitable diet of edible herbs, vegetables, whole legumes and cereals as a balanced food, and on improving life style. This will be a permanent solution which will help avoid health fraud scam which not only takes money out from your purse but will also weaken your health. For details contact Herbs Meditation Center